M18 Hellcat? M7 Priest? M4A2 Sherman? PZPFW IV Ausf H? Any light dawned? Do not bother yourself much to associate the letters or numbers with the following nouns to reach a reasonable explanation or guess. I also did not have the faintest idea what these numbers and letters stand for once until I denoted the whole WW II itself with all its events, people, vehicles, and the countries involved my most vicious enemy. Well, the names I listed above are the names of only a few of the World War II military tanks - my challenging rivals. Why? Because my husband is simply addicted to WW II. We haven't spent a single day without watching a documentary about a bloody battle, or looking at some old photographs from Stalingrad, or discovering a forum or blog about military vehicles dating back to pre-war days. He knows everything about the War in details. Whenever we enter a toy shop, he heads for the shelves where military model kits are sold. He hasn't got the largest collection of 1:72 or 1:35 scale military model kits of WW II vehicles but his tanks are the most valuable treasure he owns. That's my conclusion.
So, I decided to bury the hatchet with my foe and as an olive branch to present I rummaged the boxes full of plastic model soldiers and found this supposedly German infantry sergeant with his rifle in hand. I sprinted to the kitchen and took a baby-food jar.
I adhered a pebble stone to the inside of the lid and then the soldier to the pebble. Any jar works for this, I guess. I filled the jar almost to the top with water, added a pinch of white glitter and a dash of glycerin (you can easily find it at pharmacies) to keep the glitter from falling too quickly. I screwed on the lid tightly. Here it is, my homemade snow globe with a German soldier from WW II in it. In a way, I captivated my enemy in a peaceful wintry scene. As I turned the jar over and back again, the scene in the globe was captivating.